
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Formula Behind The Addictive Nature Of Free Online Games

With the evolution of technology, people are continually presented with new mode of entertainment to have fun and relaxation. The Internet has proven itself as one of the best medium through which any kind of entertainment can be enjoyed besides procuring information on various subjects. Generally the Internet is mostly used for games and so if you are sick with your monotonous life all you have to do is visit the different gaming sites on net. Generally the reasons to attempt online games may vary from person to person but the common thing all of them want playing such game is fun and relaxation. Whatever your reasons for playing online games remember that playing free online game will engage your memory and stimulates your intuition. Free games online have made tremendous progress rapidly replacing most other forms of entertainment with its addictive nature. Besides this they are cheap and most importantly free. Recently it has been confirmed that mostly busy women feel the impact of Internet games. What can be the reliable reason behind such attraction? These games are generally interesting and easy to play. They are free from any complication that is what appeals the busy women who do want to tire their brain in their leisure period playing games. As a result of this explosion of popularity, there are many platforms offering many kinds of free online games with no need for downloading thus allowing the gamers with many possibilities of a broad range of free games encompassing all categories. The formula behind the addictive feature of online flash games is several. One of the main upsides to flash games is that you can pick up and play whenever you want. They are so easy to control that even an Internet unaccustomed person can also play. Free online games allow you to play in an Arcade style competition where you get the chance to better yourself and rank higher than before. Unlike normal game you can never 'complete' most of the flash game. In flash games you yourself can only set your goals and once you achieve them, you can always set a higher one. It does not matter if you use Windows, MacOS, Linux or any other web-ready operating system because flash games allows users on different platforms to directly compete in a field, that is something rare in modern OS-specific gaming. Many Flash games are clones of Arcade favorites enabling us to feel that we are somewhat re-living our past with these games. Apart from these features online free games also appeals human instinct of enjoying something for nothing. By playing these games it is sure that if there is no gain then there is no loss, we can simply move on and try another one. online games- free online games- addicting games

Source: High Quality Article Database -

Monday, December 24, 2007

Recipe For An Ebook - How To Mix The Ingredients For A Tasty Result

As I prepare food for the holidays I am reminded how much a good recipe has in common with a good ebook. Both take just the right amount of this and that or else the final product will not taste as well as it could have. By making sure that you are putting all of the right ingredients into your writing, you can make sure that the final result is delicious and enticing.

  • Decide what you are writing about before you begin. Just like with a dish you are preparing, you must know what you are making or it will be a big mess! If you are making pumpkin pie, you won't need any onions. If you are writing an ebook about how to relate to difficult people, you probably won't include information on bicycle racing.
  • Make an outline so you know what steps to take and what order to take them in. Your outline is like your recipe. You look at it before you begin cooking, while you are cooking, and when your dish is just about complete. Do the same thing with your ebook's outline.
  • Keep track of which chapter you are working on. Just as you must stir the soup so it won't burn, you must stay focused on where you are in your writing so that your reader won't get confused.
  • Let other people read parts of what you write. A good cook always gives her guests a taste of what is coming. Share your work with friends and colleagues who will give you constructive feedback.
  • When your meal is ready to be served you announce it to everyone. Do the same with your ebook. When it is completed tell everyone you know to build the excitement.

Follow these 5 tips and your writing will be sought after by all who want a taste.

Find out how to get your ebook written now by visiting Connie Ragen Green at where you will receive free tips and a Special Report on writing and marketing your articles and ebooks.

Teen Drivers - Distractions and Other Risk Factors

Obviously, there are some pretty big differences in the danger factors between teen drivers and adults -- not the least of which are inexperience, risk taking, immaturity and greater risk exposure.

The good news is if we are paying attention, we can help kids stay more focused on safety as they navigate the teen driving years (and possibly reduce our own risks as fellow drivers).

The Facts:

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the crash rate per miles driven is four times higher for 15 to 20 year olds than for drivers over age 20. The National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration reports that motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for younger drivers, and that distracted driving is a factor in one out of every four crashes.

What’s Behind It?

A recent policy statement “The Teen Driver” from the American Academy of Pediatrics cites these reasons teens are at greater risk:

* Lack of driver experience
* Young age at licensure
* Failure to use safety belts
* Inadequate hazard-perception skills
* Distraction (cellular phone, food, drink, music)
* Transporting teenaged passengers
* Nighttime driving
* Speeding and reckless driving
* Fatigue
* Unsafe vehicle choice
* Alcohol use
* Drug or medication use
* Inadequate parental limit setting
* Unlicensed or revoked license

The Distractor Factor!

The study also reports a direct correlation between the chances of being in a car crash to the number of teen passengers. 16- to 17-year olds have a 40 percent higher risk of crashing when they have one friend in the car, 50 percent higher with two friends, and four times higher with three or more teen passengers!

The IIHS & NHTSA recommend the following for parents:

* Don’t rely solely on drivers' education – it may be convenient but typically it doesn’t do as good a job as a parent can at focusing on safety attitudes and decision making.
* Know the law – Restrictions on beginning drivers vary by state.
* Restrict night driving – it requires more skill and is generally more recreational – creating distraction and more risk taking.
* Restrict passengers – especially multiple teens. Nights are worse than days but passengers are always distractions for a beginning driver.
* Supervise practice driving – spread it over six months, continue even after full licensure and include night driving and a variety of other driving situations.
* Remember that you are a role model – practice safe driving yourself to increase the odds your child will drive safely.
* Require safety belt use – don’t assume, but insist that your child wear a safety belt at all times.
* Prohibit drinking – adopt a no-tolerance policy. Even a small amount of alcohol is an impairment to a teen.
* Choose vehicles for safety, not image – select cars with the best protection in a crash and avoid cars that encourage speeding.
* Make sure your child has emergency contact information with him or her at all times -- especially in the car.

Some parents use a written driving agreement to outline their expectations, set penalties and establish graduated driving privileges in advance. The elements of a driving agreement can include obeying laws, practicing safe behaviors and even maintaining the car.

Yellow Pages Mumbai-Helps you in trouble

Mumbai is called the dream land. People come here from every nook and corner to fulfill their dreams. They think that there are many sources to earn livelihood in Mumbai. People feel that to earn money in Mumbai is very easy. As Mumbai is a city of films, most of the people come here to get into films. However, their life becomes hazardous when they had to struggle to get a single chance. Only lucky people get a scope to act in films. Not only films but also people come here to get various kinds of jobs. Basically, people from villages come to Mumbai to make their dream come true. Since it is a very big place, most often a newcomer gets lost. In such a situation, yellow pages Mumbai is very helpful, they guide people and safely take them to their destination.

People from many corners of India come here to earn money. Mumbai became so much overcrowded that very often people are confused and lost in the midway. Crime is a common factor and many a times people fall in trouble. It is always preferred to keep yellow pages with you. Yellow pages Mumbai refers to a telephone directory of businesses. It serves many purposes. At the time of danger, one can refer it. The yellow pages Mumbai has a comprehensive list of detailed address and contact numbers for many establishments like a hospital, a cinema hall, restaurants and other offices, manufacturers and service providers who have registered with the website.

Nowadays, it is also possible to find online websites that offer the directory service Mumbai for the convenience of users across the world. The online directory service Mumbai is also available on the mobile handsets. The users of this service can now simply send a sms to the website and receive an instant reply to their query regarding any location in Mumbai. The convenience of having information at your fingertips makes the directory service Mumbai a popular option with the internet users. Yellow pages Mumbai is very easy to refer. The names are in an alphabetical order and people of any age group can refer it at the time of trouble.

Living cost in Mumbai is very high and people who earn very less are seen sleeping on the footpaths and railway station. Most of them have some misconception that big cities can give them all the pleasure and comfort. Many come here to taste the flavors of aristocracy and luxury. They feel that life in Mumbai is very comfortable and colorful and they will earn quick money but when they stay here for a long time, they get to experience the bitterness of life. People have to work hard to exist. They work day and night to earn money. Everything appears wonders from outside but when a person goes to the depth, he sees the real bad picture. People are so busy in their world that they do not have time to guide a lost person. In that case, yellow page Mumbai is very helpful. It shows path to the newcomers.

Amit Bhalla works to help all those who want information about the latest and the best, most happening places in the city. To know more about Yellow Pages Mumbai, Conversion Service, Yellow Pages India, Local Search India, Yellow Pages Mumbai visit